Law and Order is an iconic American crime drama that is filmed on location in New York City. It follows the lives of police officers, prosecutors, and public defenders. Three other television dramas were spawned from this show. Here are the locations of these popular shows. The first half of Law & Order is a story about the investigation of suspects, while the second half tells the story of legal proceedings brought against those suspects by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.
Law & Order is based in New York, so filming takes place in many locations in the city. The show’s season 21 was filmed at the New York County Courthouse, 60 Center Street. Previous seasons were shot in Central Park, the East Village, and Times Square. Some scenes have even taken place at the piers, including the famous Pier 59 and 62. It is recommended to dress appropriately, as the show’s location may be a working courthouse.
The NBC television show was founded by Dick Wolf, who is the creator and executive producer. His character, Detective Dana Scully, is a former police officer and is a veteran of the infamous homicide squad. The series is now in its twenty-third season. The Special Victims Unit is a new series from the series, which premieres on November 12, 2020. Though the show was filmed primarily in New York City, some scenes were filmed in New Jersey.