Whether for Slayer or RS3 gold, this is the guide for you
Now that Green Dragons are available to free players, new avenues for Runescape gold farming opened up for them. This guide will give them the ins and outs of farming the weakest of the chromatic dragons, what they need to bring, and other preparations.
Green Dragon Stats and Some Strategies
Green Dragons are level 63 with 4,500 HP. They’re not typically aggressive and do not use poison in their attacks. In combat, they use melee, Magic, or their dragon breath and are weak to bolts. They’re also susceptible to the Hexhunter Bow, Dragon Bane Equipment, and Dragon Slayer buffs. They don’t have immunity to status effects, so you can use those to your advantage.
Using two-handed ones is an excellent substitute if you don’t have a crossbow. The downside is not being able to use a shield, though. Magic is the third-best option, while melee is not recommended due to the dragons’ increased defense against the style. It’s still usable if you have a Dragon Bane weapon on hand. Melee is a little better than using Magic due to rune costs, but using the latter can still make a profit.
Sometimes when you’re on a Slayer task, they get replaced with Brutal Green Dragons. They’re more powerful than the normal ones, so be careful. This variation has immunity to poison and may even use it for some of their attacks. They often appear in the Ancient Caves.
Recommended Levels for Fighting Green Dragons
You can battle them with as low as 50-60 combat levels, but leveling past 70 is best. That means:
- 70+ Strength
- 70+ Melee
- 70+ Defense
- At least 60+ Ranged
- 55 Slayer (for P2P players)
Inventory and Equipment for Farming Green Dragons
You should bring your teleport item (whether spell or equipment), some HP restoring food, combat potions, Saradomin Brews, and a Restore. A Loot Bag will also be handy in your farming. Otherwise, you should bring a Beast of Burden to help you manage your loot. The alternative is opening up spaces in your inventory by eating some food. It’s not the best method, but you must make do with what you have. Also, make sure you bring enough ammo when using Ranged.
Due to the Green Dragons living primarily in the Wilderness, bringing what you’re willing to lose is advised. Here are some cheap armors to wear to farm these dragons:
- Melee Builds
- Rune Full Helm or Slayer Helm if on a task
- Team Cape
- Amulet of Strength
- Rune weapons
- Rune Platebody
- Rock-Shell Legs
- Adamant Gauntlets
- Mithril Armored Boots
- Ring of Recoil
- Ranged Builds
- Studded Leather Coif
- Amulet of Power
- Red Dragonhide Body
- Anti-Dragon Shield
- Black Dragonhide Vambraces
- Off-hand Dragon Crossbow
- Crystal Bow
- Ava’s Accumulator/Attractor
You can replace some of them with a higher-leveled piece, but limit yourself to three or risk losing it in the Wild. You can add one or two more if you use the Protection Prayer or other methods. You, as the player, must weigh the risks and rewards of farming these dragons.
You can check what will be saved upon death through the UI’s Worn Equipment button.
As mentioned in the stats section, having a crossbow is the best way to fight these reptiles. It will allow you to hold an Anti-Dragon Shield and use its weakness simultaneously. Using two-handed bows will make Antifire potions necessary to deal with the Dragon Breaths.
Green Dragon Locations
Unfortunately for F2P players, all the locations available to them are in the Wilderness. Those include:
- The area west of the Dark Warrior’s Fortress (level 15 Wildy)
- Southeast of the Lava Maze (35-38 Wilderness)
- To the east of the Boneyard (level 24 of the Wild)
- Forinthry Dungeon (level 18)
There is one location that isn’t in a PvP-sanctioned area, and that is the Chaos Tunnels. To any F2P wanting to go there, tough luck. It’s an area open only to members, so they can’t go there unless they pay up. Since it’s not in the Wild, P2P players can use their expensive gear for faster kills.
Earning Runescape Gold by Farming Green Dragons
While the reptiles have rare and valuable loot to drop, those aren’t as reliable as Dragon Bones and Green Dragonhide. Each kill will drop these two Runescape items guaranteed, making each kill worth 2,836 RS3 gold. Strategy guides mark the ideal efficiency as 250 kills per hour, making 709,000 gold per hour of farming.
Of course, this will vary depending on your kill speed, so it may be lower or higher than that estimate. However, this is an excellent boon to F2P players because of their limited opportunities to farm currency. 700k Runescape gold per hour is not an amount to sneeze at. Sure, some other options have more considerable rates, but this much for F2P is good enough for combat-based farming.
That estimate doesn’t include the occasional salvage pieces (up to 6k GP), Fire Runes (1k GP), Grimy Marentill (6k GP) or Dwarf Weed (10k GP), or a Green Dragon Egg (277k GP). There are even added drop tables for rarer or Wilderness items that can drive your profits even more. It does remain your average per hour rate, though.
Remember to Enjoy!
Most players have moved to farming Blue Dragons, so it shouldn’t be as crowded in the farming spots. Count that as another advantage because it means less competition. Prices fluctuate on the GE all the time, so the numbers will differ after some time.
Don’t forget that you’ll be fighting in the Wilderness when you’re F2P. It can be frustrating when you’re lugging your haul home, and a PK-er kills you to get loot. Make sure to turn off your ‘Auto-retaliation’ setting and set the Player’ Attack’ option to hidden to avoid misclicking and getting skull-tricked.
Have fun hunting Green Dragons for Runescape gold or skill XP!
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