Fibroids are noncancerous growths in the uterus, often appearing during childbearing years. While mostly benign, they can lead to discomfort or heavy menstrual bleeding.
In some cases, they might affect fertility. You may want to seek uterine fibroids treatment in Singapore if symptoms disrupt daily life, cause pain, or lead to anemia.
It may also help to consult a women’s health specialist if fibroids press against the bladder, causing frequent urination, or if they interfere with bowel movements. Large fibroids may cause a noticeable enlargement of the lower abdomen.
Seeking care promptly ensures proper evaluation and management. This cannot only preserve your health but also improve your quality of life.
Can a Man give a Woman Fibroid?
If you’re troubled with fibroids in Singapore and searched the term, chances are high you’ve also bumped into similar searches like wordstreetjournal; can a man give you fibroids or can fibroids be transmitted? Here’s what you need to know in regards to such concerns;
The answer is; no, a man cannot give a woman fibroids. Fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in the uterus of a woman. They arise from the muscle tissue of the uterus itself. They are influenced by hormonal changes, particularly estrogen and progesterone levels.
So, the idea of a man transmitting fibroids to a woman is a misconception. It’s not a contagious condition like an infection or a virus. Instead, it’s an internal growth within a woman’s body that has no connection to sexual contact.
Early detection and proper management can help in addressing any potential issues related to fibroids. And with that in mind, it does help that as a woman, you’re be aware of the risk factors associated with fibroids and to seek regular gynecological check-ups.
So, who is most likely to get Fibroids?
To begin, you shouldn’t really fret if you’re diagnosed with fibroids in Singapore. Even though they may cause discomfort, they aren’t inherently often dangerous.
Nonetheless, considering that they can affect any woman, you may want to know what factors increase your risks for fibroids. That said, here are the groups of people who are most likely to get fibroids;
· Older women
First things first, fibroids in Singapore have been observed to occur at any age. Nonetheless, age is a significant factor in fibroid risk.
Fibroids are more likely to develop during a woman’s reproductive years, typically between 30 and 50. As women age, the likelihood of developing fibroids increases.
It’s therefore crucial for women, especially as they approach their 30s and beyond, to be mindful of potential symptoms and consider regular check-ups to catch any issues early. Regular check-ups can help you catch them early so it is easy to manage them or the symptoms that come with them.
· Those with a family history of uterine fibroids
Genes play a key role in fibroids development. So, having a family history of uterine fibroids make it more likely for you to develop them.
For instance, if a close relative like a mother or sister had fibroids, your risk rises. While not a guarantee, it’s a significant factor to consider.
To ensure early detection and better management, get regular screenings for fibroids in Singapore as it may be recommended for you. The regular screenings could be what you need to safeguard your reproductive health.
· People with vitamin D deficiency
Studies suggest a link between low Vitamin D levels and increased fibroid risk. This crucial vitamin helps regulate cell growth and may influence the development of fibroids.
Insufficient Vitamin D could disrupt this balance, potentially contributing to their formation. Maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels through sunlight, diet, or supplements can help mitigate this risk.
· Those who are living with obesity
Excess body fat, especially around the abdomen, may lead to hormonal imbalances. This imbalance may disrupt the delicate equilibrium in your reproductive system.
With this disruption, fibroids may find just the optimal environment for growth. Also, obesity is linked to inflammation, which can further spur their development. What’s more, carrying extra weight can amplify the severity of your fibroid symptoms.
· People with high blood pressure
According to some studies, elevated pressure in blood vessels may encourage the growth of these noncancerous tumors. The exact mechanism remains under study, but it’s clear that managing blood pressure is pivotal in fibroid prevention.
Regular check-ups and lifestyle adjustments can help mitigate this risk. Keeping blood pressure in check not only protects your heart. It also contributes to a healthier uterine environment and can help reduce the likelihood of fibroid development.
· People of the African American race
African American women face a higher risk of fibroids than other ethnicities. The exact cause remains unclear.
However, genetics and hormonal factors play a role. Studies suggest that these fibroids may grow larger and more rapidly in African American women. This heightened risk can lead to more severe symptoms and complications.
· Women who have not been pregnant
Pregnancy hormones can have a protective effect. So, having been pregnant may reduce your risks of getting fibroids. Without this hormonal influence, the risk may increase.
However, it’s important to note that many women without a history of pregnancy do not develop fibroids. It’s just a factor among many others.
· Women who use soybean milk
Soybean milk, often touted for its health benefits, contains compounds called phytoestrogens. These mimic estrogen, a hormone that can influence fibroid growth.
There is a lot of research that is still being done on the link. However, some studies already suggest that excessive phytoestrogen intake, primarily from soy products, may increase risk of fibroids. Moderate consumption of soy is generally considered safe nonetheless.
In Closing
Fibroids are a naturally occurring condition in some women and are not influenced by a man’s biology or actions. So, you cannot get them from your man. If you suspect that you could be having fibroids or experiencing symptoms related to them, it’s best to consult a doctor who specializes in the management of fibroids in Singapore.
They can help you get proper diagnosis and get started on the right treatment options. To learn more about your treatment options for fibroids in Singapore, or schedule a consultation with a women’s health clinic in Singapore, call or visit Endofibroid at;
Endofibroid | Centre For Endometriosis And Fibroids – Women’s Health Screening | HPV Vaccination Singapore
38 Irrawaddy Road
#05-49 Mount Elizabeth Novena
Singapore 329563
(65) 8048 7994