Parimatch az is a leading international bookmaker with a long history. It began in the year 1994. At first, the operator provided services in a number of CIS countries through land-based betting points. As time went on, the company shifted its focus to online services and changed its direction.
At the moment, people from more than 20 countries, including Azerbaijan, can sign up for Parimatch az. Every day, nearly 300 sports events are shown on TV in Azerbaijan, and anyone over 18 can sign up and place a bet. Customers can also enjoy the Parimatch az casino and other forms of entertainment.
Parimatch az registration – step-by-step instructions
In two to three minutes, you can make a Parimatch az account. Please follow these directions:
- Go to the bookmaker company’s website. You can use the desktop version, the mobile version, or the official app to get to the site.
- Click the “Register” button to sign up. It is at the top of the page and is highlighted in yellow.
3.Fill out the form below. There are three fields on the form: the phone number, the password, and the currency . Make sure that you only enter correct information. To activate your account, you must enter an SMS code.
- Accept the rules set by BC.
- Click “Register” to confirm that you want to sign up.
Parimatch az bonuses — how to get a signup bonus
The welcome bonuses at are unaralleled. Those who sign up through the affiliate link will be eligible for the offers. So, if you want a bonus from Parimatch az, use our link and make sure the “Activate deposit bonus” box is checked.
What to do next:
- Give your account a boost by adding 15 ₼.
- You will receive a bonus of 100% of your deposit amount within 24 hours, but not more than 170 ₼.
- Redeem the bonus.
You can win back the bonus amount by wagering up to ten times the bonus amount. There should be a minimum bet odds of 1.50 in this case. If you want to redeem it, you have seven days to do so.
Parimatch az mobile application
There are two mobile apps available from the bookmaker at the same time, one for Android and one for iPhone (iOS). They have the same functions as the official website. With Parimatch az apps, you can do the following:
- Register.
- You can also take advantage of other bonuses.
- Draw the winnings after topping up the account.
- Sports betting, including live betting.
- You can play at the casino.
Android applications can be downloaded from the bookmaker’s website, iOS apps can be downloaded from the App Store. You can download applications for free.
Benefits of using Parimatch az Azerbaijan
- Parimatch az is one of the most popular online betting sites in the world. It lets you bet on a lot of different things, including horse races. Parimatch az Azerbaijan is available in English and Azerbaijani, and it has an easy-to-use interface. The website is trustworthy and safe, and a lot of people bet on it.
- Parimatch az is one of the easiest betting sites to use. It offers a variety of bet types, such as fixed-odds bets, multi-betting, and lay bets. It’s a great choice for people who want an easy way to bet on sports games or other events. also lets you pay in many different ways.
- Parimatch az is one of the most trusted online betting sites in the world, and they are known for being helpful and quick to respond to customer needs. They offer many different types of great customer services. The team at Parimatch az will be happy to help you if you have any problems with your account or questions about your bets.
- Parimatch az Azerbaijan is proud of its security features, which include a safe way to sign in and chat rooms that are encrypted. The company has taken steps to make sure that its users’ data is always safe and encrypted. This makes it a great place for online gambling. also has a number of security features, like two-factor authentication and protection against malware. Because of this, it is one of the most secure platforms out there.
Parimatch az is a well-known and trusted bookmaker that has been around for a long time and has a track record of giving customers quality service. If you’re looking for an online bookmaker with a lot of options and good deals, Parimatch az should be at the top of your list.